Category Archives: Sober Living

Beer Allergy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Discovering that one is experiencing sneezing with hops can be disconcerting, especially for those who relish a good pint. In the instance of an allergic reaction to hops, swift and appropriate action can be the key to alleviating discomfort or potentially averting a more severe health crisis. Below, we outline the urgent measures you should […]

Drug Half-Lives and Urine Detection Windows Choose the Right Test

Fentanyl was initially developed as an analgesic for acute pain treatment (Comer and Cahill, 2019), and not as an opioid that would be used repeatedly over longer periods of time. There are no published data, to our knowledge, regarding long-term fentanyl clearance in chronic pain patients who use long-term transdermal fentanyl therapy. We publish material […]

Alcoholic Neuropathy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The recovery time for alcoholic neuropathy varies significantly among individuals and is influenced by the severity of the neuropathy and the individual’s history of alcohol consumption. Motor symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy include those signs and symptoms which show functional changes in the performance of the affected areas. Although alcoholic neuropathy causes damage to the peripheral […]